Cancer of the maxillofacial region is one of the most common cancers of the human body, being the fifth most frequent location. It manifests as tumours that may appear on the face, neck and mouth.
Mouth cancer has a good prognosis and can be cured provided that it is diagnosed and treated at an early stage.
People at higher risk of developing oral cancer
- Men over 40 years old.
- People exposed to irritating factors that favour oral cancer (tobacco, alcohol, etc.)
- People with warning signs or symptoms
Warning signs
- Abnormal bleeding anywhere in the mouth and difficulty swallowing food, chewing or speaking
- Pain, tingling or mouth dryness for no apparent reason
- Wounds that do not heal properly
- Persistent mouth infections
- White, red or black patches inside the mouth
- Presence of a hardness, lump or swelling inside the mouth, face and/or on the neck
- Ulcers anywhere in the mouth that do not heal in 15 days
These may be warning signs or symptoms. It is probably a minor problem, but may also be a sign of cancer. Explore your mouth once a month and, if you discover anything suspicious, consult a specialist.
What should i do if i detect a warning sign?
These types of lesions require a detailed study to reach an accurate diagnosis.
Therefore, a multidisciplinary approach is required, with the collaboration of many specialists, among which the maxillofacial surgeon plays a basic role due to their special knowledge of this anatomical region.
Most malign tumours require the action of the maxillofacial surgeon, either as a means of diagnosis, biopsy sampling or, as in most cases, as a planner and executor of the surgical treatment. In addition to surgical resection, the reconstructive technique for enabling the good adaptation and reinsertion of the patient is equally important. Post-treatment controls are of great importance for detecting possible relapses. The Maxillofacial Unit of Ergodinámica Clínica Córdoba has the necessary therapeutic arsenal to remove tumours from the maxillofacial region and reconstruct the lost tissues.